HH Bhakti Charu Swami

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Guru Upadesha by HH Bhakti Charu Swami Maharaja.

Srila Prabhupada had a very big plan to spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world. He stressed that this movement must expand. Today ISKCON has grown extensively but now we have to think how to expand it further. In Krishna Consciousness there is no room for stagnation. Krishna Consciousness is dynamic. Dynamic means movement. If we are not moving forward we will move in the opposite direction. If you do not progress, then you will regress towards maya. In Krishna Consciousness there is no stagnation. We cannot stay static. We have to move forward. So in Krishna Consciousness we should be very concerned and careful that we are always progressing.
Now that we have come to Krishna Consciousness and accepted it sincerely we should not lose it. There is no way that we should fall back into maya. We must move forward towards the lotus feet of Krishna in the spiritual sky. In order to move forward what do you have to do? We have to do newer and newer things. In order to move forward we must follow the four regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds daily. And we must render devotional service. Devotional service means doing things as an expression of our love for Krishna and to please Krishna. Krishna is very quickly satisfied. Krishna Himself says, “If somebody offers Me with love a leaf, a fruit, a flower or water I will accept it.”
As we make advancement our service attitude will develop. Initially our service may not be widespread or extensive because in the beginning our love for Krishna has not developed. But as we develop our love for Krishna our service attitude will increase. Just like when you love someone, as an expression of your love, don’t you want to do something for that person? The more we love the person, the more we want to do for him. Similarly as we develop our love for Krishna, we will want to do more and more for Krishna. It is not that we just offer some fruits and flowers and think we have done our duty. If we love Krishna then we always want to offer more to Krishna. And when we do something for Krishna then we will see how Krishna reciprocates with us. Krishna says, “You have shown so much love for Me, now I will love you even more.” Then the devotee feels, “Krishna, You have done so much for me and shown me so much love, I will do even more for You!” In this way a competition begins between Krishna and His devotee to see who can love more. And actually in this loving contest Krishna becomes defeated. Krishna loves to be defeated by His devotee. That is how wonderful Krishna is.
As you develop your love for Krishna He will inspire you to do things. When you become an instrument in Krishna’s hands, there is no way of knowing how much Krishna will do through you. We can become instruments by offering ourselves to Krishna and giving up false ego and selfish interests. Only our false ego is stopping us from surrendering to Krishna. So let us try to offer everything to Krishna. He is sitting in our hearts and knows everything. The whole world may think that I am a big devotee of Krishna, but if my heart is full of selfish desires, then Krishna will know. We can’t hide anything from Krishna. But if our heart is pure, then Krishna will be so pleased. If we sincerely want to serve Krishna, then He will give us everything.
Sacrifice means offering everything to Krishna. Nothing is for me. Even I am not mine. I am Krishna’s. This body is Krishna’s, this mind is Krishna’s this intelligence is Krishna’s, and everything is Krishna’s. When you offer everything to Krishna, then Krishna gives Himself to us. Krishna gives liberation very easily, but He doesn’t give devotion so easily because through devotion Krishna becomes sold out to the devotee.When a devotee offers himself then Krishna cannot help but offer Himself to the devotee. Krishna becomes a servant of the devotee.
It is such a wonderful process. If we practice this process properly, then the benefit will be inconceivable. Is it that only Arjuna, or Prahlada Maharaja, Janaka, or Nanda Maharaja, are meant to be devotees? No. Everyone has the right to become Krishna’s devotees. These are examples we must follow. These examples are there to inspire us to become devotees of Krishna.
Prabhupada was often asked how he managed to spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world in just ten years. His answer was that it was Krishna who did it. Krishna can do anything. He can make the impossible endeavor of his devotee possible. Krishna can empower him because He is the supreme controller. By Krishna’s divine arrangement He can make His devotees achieve all kinds of wonderful things. We simply have to become devotees of Krishna,and then all kinds of wonderful things will happen by His mercy!

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